Let's help you tee off! ⛳️

Game details and statuses

How do I see and manage information about a game?

Selecting a game from the game list will open the detailed game view.

Game info

The game view will show all information about a game, including:

  • Your Participation Status: Whether you've joined or been invited.
  • Game status:
    • Open: Available spots remain, and the game hasn't started.
    • Full: No available spots left, and the game hasn't started.
    • In Progress: The game is currently underway.
    • Archived: The game has concluded.
  • Game title
  • Game location
  • Date and time of the game
  • Group: The group for which the game has been created
  • Game details: Course, Type of game, hole count, format etc.
  • Privacy: Whether the game is public or private
  • Game admin(s): Who has admin rights to the game

Add game to calendar

Games that have not yet started will show an Add to calendar option that will enable you to create the game as an appointment in your diary.

Joined and invited players

After the information about the game, you will see a list of all players who have joined the game or who have been invited (including their name, age and handicap). This helps you keep track of who is participating and who is not.

Select the player to see that player’s profile.

The joined player information will dynamically update to reflect changes in participation, and notifications will be sent to all joined and invited players to notify them about new joiners or withdrawals.


Each game is has a dedicated comments section, serving as a centralised hub for all game-related discussions. To contribute, simply type your message in the comment box and hit Post to share it. Bear in mind, comments are capped at 200 characters.

Comments are presented in reverse chronological order, with the most recent entries appearing first, accompanied by the commenter's profile picture and name. Posting a comment triggers a notification to all players who have either joined or have been invited to the game.

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