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Game cards

What information do game cards show?

In the list of games in the Games section, each game is represented by a card.

Game cards for past games are show with a white background, and current or future games are shown with a pale green background.

Information displayed in game cards:

  • Group Name: Identifies the specific group the game is for.
  • Game Title: A name for the game
  • Start Time: When the game is scheduled to begin.
  • Game location: Where the game will be played.
  • Your Status: Indicates whether you've joined or been invited.
  • Game Type: Differentiates between Round and Rollup games.
  • Game Length: Hole count.
  • Participants: Current number of joiners vs. maximum capacity.
  • Availability: A checkmark ☑️ signifies a full game.

If you have joined a game then you will see the Joined label in the game card. If you have been invited to a game then you will see an Invited label in the game card.

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