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Group admins and roles

Do I need special permissions for my group?

Two different user roles

Group members can have one of two roles within their groups:

  • Group Admin: Can see all games and group data, and can administer group members.
  • Player: Normal group member with no special rights.

The user who first creates a group will be the first Group Admin. All users added to a group will have the Player role by default, but they can be given Group Admin rights after they have joined the group.

Group Admins will be shown in player lists with a blue Admin label. If you are a Group Admin for any group then you will also see an Admin label alongside the group name in the Profile section.

Adding/removing Group Admins

To modify a group member's role to either appoint them as a Group Admin or revoke their admin privileges, a Group Admin must follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Profile section and select the relevant group for which you wish to manage Group Admins from the My groups list.
  1. From the Group profile view, locate and select Group Administrators.
  1. The Group administrators view shows a list of all current Group Admins for the selected group.

To add a new group admin:

  1. Select the Add Admin button.
  1. Select the checkboxes next to the names of the group members you want to appoint as Group Admins. You can use the search bar to locate members quickly. Note - You can also deselect existing Group Admins here.
  1. Once your selections are made, tap Done. The Group administrators list will update accordingly.

To remove a group admin:

  1. Locate the Group Admin(s) you want to remove and tap the red delete icon beside their name.
  1. You'll be prompted to confirm the action. Select Confirm to proceed or Cancel to abort.
  1. Upon confirmation, the admin will be removed from the Group administrators list.

Returning to group profile:

  1. After making all necessary changes, tap < to return to the Group profile view.
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